ATHA Show Points Program

ATHA youth Honor ROll

ATHA Amateur and Open honor Roll Program

ATHA Breeders Incentive Program

ATHA Stallion SHow

The stallion show is an annual free advertising service provided by ATHA that allows you to promote your stallions for the upcoming breeding season. In January at the end of the year there will be a drawing for two lucky members to win a breeding from one of the horses that participated. All fees paid for by ATHA. Donations accepted and appreciated.

Amateur Breeders Awards

This program works in tandem with the ATHA 2024 Stallion Show. The purpose of this program is to promote breeding tobiano horses by supporting ATHA amateur breeders. Participants will enter a drawing to win a breeding from one of the participating stallions in the AHA Stallion Show. Fees will be paid for by ATHA. However members will be responsible for paying any shipping fees. ATHA members can sign up American

ATHA CLub Awards

AtHA Non-competitive Events Program

Please stay tuned for more programs